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Each week I explore an etiquette topic in more depth, covering the history, nuances, and extra tips not available on social media. Here are some picks from each month.
Your Definitive Guide To Holding Cutlery
Is cutlery really that old or is it a modern invention? I explore the history and etiquette of correct cutlery holding, alongside some updates on spring events.
My Story: Life Behind The Napkin
How and why I ended up doing what surely must be the best job in the world.
How To Do Black Tie Correctly
Evening wear has adapted over time, but some details stay the same. I dive into the dress code intelligence you need to know to ensure black-tie success and correctness.
The Real Silent Service Code
How can you make your dining experience flow like a royal banquet? Observe these basic dining principles and you will eat like a king.
6 Key Principles Of British Etiquette
Manners are not so much about strict 'rules', but more about principles. I believe that contemporary British etiquette is rooted in six key principles.
The Joy Of Jacket Buttons
A sartorial overview of jacket buttons, their variety and history, and how many you can and should fasten, if any at all!
Are Croissants Really French?
The long and disputed history of croissants – the true timeline full of myth and moisture!
The Famous Finger Bowl Story Explained
How a small 19th century bowl that fell into disuse still tells the importance of good manners and kindness in 2024.
Table Settings: Lazy vs Luxury
The rich used to leave what in their wills?! Why was white linen the pinnacle of luxury? What do Louis XIV and your in-laws have in common?
How To Have The Snip
What am I doing in the North West? Are you pathologically punctual to dinner parties? And why you need to buy some grape scissors!
Handling Medieval Meat
Romping through the curious customs of medieval cuisine and etiquette!
The Straighter, The Better
Answering your questions with executive etiquette insights, plus some exclusive news!
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